Wednesday, August 27, 2008


If you think maneuvering keywords in web writing is a hard battle to win, you are not alone. Many web writers feel that their writing becomes redundant with keywords’ density. It not only disrupts the flow of their writing, but also makes their content less creative. Yet there is no denying in the fact that keywords are a critical ingredient of a successful SEO writing recipe. You might have a well drafted content on your web site, but without rich and effective keywords it is next to non-existence. Keywords are one of the most important tools in ranking high on search engines. Ignore them!! Abuse them!! And you will suffer the consequences.

There are no hard-and-fast rules to integrate keywords effectively. There is always a "puzzle" aspect of SEO writing: no matter how cumbersome your keywords are you need to find a way to make it sound natural. You have to maintain the delicate balance of keyword density, by not overstuffing keywords in text yet spacing them adequately throughout the text. With imagination, you can get your content to read naturally while still being SEO-worthy. Following are some of the important things you need to remember:

  • Go for relevant keywords. Remember that keywords can give your website a boost in rankings. It all comes down to how well you use them, and how relevant they are to your content. Therefore, use keywords that are relevant to your article.
  • Use longer keyword phrases. Although most good keyword phrases are between 2-5 words, it’s better to have longer keyword phrases than shorter ones. A combination of two keywords is all the more effective. For instance, we have two keywords ‘Web 2.0’ and ‘Marketing Techniques’; we can club the two keywords to have a more effective keyword like ‘Web 2.0 Marketing Technique’.
  • Ensure right ‘Keyword Density’ in the right places. It’s a good idea to have your keyword or keyword phrases appear about five to six times within the first 100 words of your content. Feature your keyword(s) in the first, as well as the last paragraph.
  • Insert keyword in your title. Search engines generally rank your content higher for keywords appearing in the title of your article, as well as in the link texts and close to the start of the body text.
  • Place your keywords in Meta Description and permalinks as well. Try to keep it short and simple.
  • Choose keyword variations or synonyms to make the article flow better. Avoid keyword stuffing. Although you don’t want the keyword density of your text to be too low, you also don’t want it to be too high as you may be accused of “keyword stuffing.” A good keyword density is anywhere between 3%-5%.
  • Get inbound links from other sites with the right keyword in the anchor text.

Arthur C. Clark coined the expression “any sufficiently advanced technology seems like magic”. SEO magic begins with keywords. Web writers whip out viable and effective keywords just as a magician pulls rabbit out of his hat. Like a skillful magician, they know what people are actually searching for; understand which keywords should be targeted for SEO optimization; and weave their SEO magic around them. This ensures that when their optimized copy is indexed, it magically moves up through the search results.

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